UFOs Aliens Extraterrestrials - videos - photos - UFO news - research and facts

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Aliens ...

...are real.... [ENTER] ... for the honest facts.

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Aliens: We understand most of the history of Earth, life, and Humans, all doing the best they can at all the different stages in the past. Today we have all sorts of weird and wonderful things happening around the World. You just have to surf the Internet for a year and you will see it all.

However, one of the biggest things that almost everyone around planet Earth is missing out on...... is the information about the variety of UFOs and Extraterrestrial Aliens visiting Earth. (we will find out how true or false these issues are)

This Web site you are about to explore will give you a quick, no bullshit, honest, truthful look, at the facts that top witnesses over the past 50 years have risked their lives to give to you.

We feel it would be a better World if we could all look out into the night sky, at all the billions of Stars and Suns, and know the truth.

We think that most people around the World would grow up, respect Nature, and respect and care for each other. The future will always be different from today.

"Today is history".

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| UFO Sightings | Aliens | Alien Pictures | Alien Sightings | UFO News |
| UFO Photos | Area 51 UFOs | Roswell UFO | Best UFO Cases | Alien Photos |
| Extraterrestrials | UFO Books | Good Home Videos | Alien UFOs |
| UFO Research | UFO Links | World News | Message Board |

| Space Photos | Hubble Telescope | "VLT" Telescope | Nature Conservation |

P.S. We dedictate this site to you, and the following people... (in no particular merit order)

      • Com. Sgt. Maj. Robert O' Dean.
      • Stanton T. Friedman.
      • Dr. Steven M. Greer.
      • Maj. US Army. Capt. Virgil Armstrong.
      • Jorge Martin.
      • Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens.
      • Com. Graham Bethune.
      • Mercury Astronaut. Gordon Cooper.
      • Col. Charles I. Halt.
      • Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
      • Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson.
      • T/Sgt Chuck Sorrels.
      • Karen Bowie.
      • Major George Filer.
      • Don Ecker.
      • Travis Walton and Mike Rogers.
      • Peter A. Gersten.
      • Donna Hare.
      • Richard C. Hoagland. (Nasa)
      • Bob Lazar.
      • Jose Escamilla.
      • Loretta Proctor.
      • AJ Geveard.
      • ....
      • ...
      • ..

Thank you to everyone. We will be adding more important contributors in the future.

The Best Internet Search Engines

The best Internet Search Engines to help you find other free UFO videos and live streaming 'REAL' format videos about UFOs and Extraterrestrial Aliens. - Google.com - Altavista.com - Excite.com - Goto.com - Dmoz.org - search.msn.com - About.com - NorthernLight.com - Hotbot.com - AlltheWeb.com - Yahoo.com - Looksmart.com - Lycos.com - Answers.com.au - Directhit.com - more free UFO video related Search Engines here soon...


If you are still reading down here....

1. For a little bit of money, people right now are using an ocean liner for shipping plutonium 8 times a year for the next ten years. If one of those ships sink... it will devastate the ocean life for hundreds of years.

2. For a little bit of cash, people right now are feeding 745 tons of chicken shit to feed 800 head of beef for your hamburger.

3. For a few dollars, people are selling atomic weapon technology to unstable undemocratic fascist countries.

.....We need to find out how real the UFO matter is.

We need to have a good hard look at ourselves and you need to help form a large organization bigger and better than the UN, Including many groups of people from each country around the World.

This is the End of the page ----- Click here for the MENU


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| UFO Sightings | Aliens | Alien Pictures | Alien Sightings | UFO News |
| UFO Photos | Area 51 UFOs | Roswell UFO | Best UFO Cases | Alien Photos |
| Extraterrestrials | UFO Books | Good Home Videos | Alien UFOs |
| UFO Research | UFO Links | World News | Message Board |

| Space Photos | Hubble Telescope | "VLT" Telescope | Nature Conservation |


(C) UFOs and Extraterrestrial Aliens. 2001.
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