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P.S. We dedictate this site to you, and the following people... (in no particular merit order)
Com. Sgt. Maj. Robert O' Dean. Stanton T. Friedman. Dr. Steven M. Greer.- Maj. US Army. Capt. Virgil Armstrong.
- Jorge Martin.
- Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens.
- Com. Graham Bethune.
- Mercury Astronaut. Gordon Cooper.
- Col. Charles I. Halt.
- Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
- Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson.
- T/Sgt Chuck Sorrels.
- Karen Bowie.
- Major George Filer.
- Don Ecker.
- Travis Walton and Mike Rogers.
- Peter A. Gersten.
- Donna Hare.
- Richard C. Hoagland. (Nasa)
- Bob Lazar.
- Jose Escamilla.
- Loretta Proctor.
- AJ Geveard.
- ....
- ...
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